
Surveying Programs For Casio Fx 9860g

  1. Casio Fx 9750gii Programs

Casio Programs 'Casio FX Programs' These programs MUST NOT be sold - collectively or individually, electronically as software or pre-installed on graphic calculators without the express permission of the author. These programs may be distributed freely but must maintain their copyright status. They are supplied 'as-is' and the author accepts no responsibility for any errors caused by their use. Casio Power Graphic fx-7400G PLUS (7Kb) Latest update: 17th January 2014 A zipped Casio FXI file containing all of the 32 programs listed below. The file can only be opened and transferred to a Calculator using the Casio FX software and an interface cable.

(253Kb). NEW JANUARY 2014 This is a new program for the fx-7400G. It calculates the 3D co-ordinates of a point at the intersection of a line (defined by 2 points) to a plane (defined by 3 points). Useful if trying to co-ordinate a hidden point (where it is not possible to measure a distance). A program listing and explanation is also included (677Kb) A pdf document illustrating how the programs work along with some examples.

Thanks Cliff for spotting the typos. (214 Kb) Listings of the programs in zipped PDF format.

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Casio Fx 9750gii Programs

According to him, he has been developed many survey program in casio calculator FX-9860G SD since year 1984.