
Yogananda Second Coming Of Christ Pdf


The Hidden Truths in the Gospels Excerpts from Paramahansa Yogananda’s two-volume commentary on the New. In titling this work The Second Coming of Christ, I. THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST. The Second Coming of Christ, Paramhansa Yogananda uses capitalization to place emphasis on a specific truth to aid the reader.

  1. Yogananda Second Coming Of Christ Pdf
Yogananda Second Coming Of Christ Pdf

Srfrometourflyeroct2012210x297j2483.pdf - Paramahansa Yogananda Autore del classico spirituale Autobiografia di uno Yogi Per informazioni: 3 www. Org CONFERENZA sugli insegnamenti Download our the second coming of christ yogananda pdf eBooks for free and learn more about the second coming of christ yogananda pdf. These books contain exercises and tutorials to improve your practical skills, at all levels!

Yogananda Second Coming Of Christ Pdf

The Second Coming of Christ “Jesus Christ is the model for both East and West to follow. God’s stamp, as Son of God, is hidden in every soul. Jay abraham pdf. Do away with masks! Come out openly as Sons of God!” —Paramhansa Yogananda East-West, March-April 1930 Yogananda’s Commentaries on the Bible Paramhansa Yogananda’s own words describing the importance of these commentaries, in Inner Culture, April 1932: “These spiritual interpretations are the result of a long unfulfilled promise to Yogoda Students. They are also the methods which the masters have taken to show to the world the common, scientific platform of intuitive perception, where the Christian Bible, the Hindu Bhagavad Gita (Hindu Old and New Testaments), and the true scriptures of all true religions, can find unity. Many people acclaim that the spiritual interpretation of the Bhagavad Gita and the Christian Bible is what is predicted as the “Second Coming of Christ,” because in such interpretation there is revealed and liberated the truth hidden in the dark caves of theoretical and theological studies.

Yogananda Second Coming Of Christ PdfYogananda

“Jesus Christ was crucified once, but His Christian teaching has been, and is now being crucified by ignorant people. The Yogoda movement is attempting to show how the Christ-Consciousness of Jesus, free form theological crucifixion, can be brought back a second time into the souls of men. These spiritual interpretations are born of intuition, and will be found to be universally true if they are meditated upon with intuitive perception. They are received and interpreted through Christ-Consciousness.” “Universal Christ-Consciousness appeared in the vehicle of Jesus, and now through Yogoda Self-Realization, and these intuitionally received interpretations of the Scriptures, the Christ-Consciousness is coming a second time to manifest through the consciousness of every true Yogodan. ‘All those who received Him, to them gave He the power to become the Sons of God.’”.