
Sweet And Soft Texture Pack

Sweet And Soft Texture PackCute texture packs

The above video shows a build. It’s an extraordinarily beautiful creation that conjures the quaint, comfy environment of a European market town, with tiled roofs, picket fences and homely furnishings that suggest the decorator isn’t quite ready to leave the Victorian era behind.

There’s a sense of nostalgia for a quieter time, a longing for somewhere restive away from the hustle and bustle of modernity - and much of this comes down to the exquisite texture set Pon-P has used: the texture pack, by Japanese artist. The pack adds a great deal of detail and warmth to the traditional Minecraft building materials: nether bricks become thick carpet-blocks, cobblestone walls become ornate stone balustrades, gold ore becomes plaster with timber framing - reminiscent of Tudor buildings. Chiselled wood panels, striped awnings, weather vanes in the shape of chickens, distinctively British red phone booths - it’s a really well observed pick-'n'-mix of details that encapsulates a disappearing world of old Europe.

It’s gorgeous. It makes me feel warm and comfortable and strangely sad at the same time. Even stranger that this longed-for European past should be the work of someone outside of Europe. I wanted to know more about this genius!

With this texture pack you can create your own candy factory. Sugarpack will turn the whole minecraft world into a big sweet candy or into confectionery masterpiece!

Luckily, I was able to get friend of Mojang and language expert James York to translate a few questions for her. 芸術的な背景 Do you have a background in art? 将来はウェブやプログラミングに関する仕事に就きたく、大学でデザインに関する勉強をしています。絵を描く事やデザインすることが好きなので、それを生かしてリソースパックを作り、運営したいと思いました。 I want to work in a field related to web design or programming in the future and so I am currently on a design-related course at university. I really enjoy drawing and designing things so that is how I started working on texture packs. I wanted to create and manage one for myself.

マイクラを始たきっかけ How did you start playing Minecraft? 当時一緒にゲームをしていた友人たちに誘われて初めました。最初はサバイバルで遊んでいましたが、とあるマインクラフターの方がマイクラで世界をつくっている動画を見て、クリエイティブモードで遊ぶようになりました。 A friend that I play games with introduced me to Minecraft. At first we played together in Survival Mode but then I saw a particular Minecrafter creating an incredible world so I started to play in Creative Mode instead. お気に入りの他のマイクラのプロジェクト What is your favourite Minecraft project? 日本のマインクラフターである甘みやさんの「四角い世界を旅する」シリーズが大好きです。建築ももちろん好きなのですが、動画が大好きです。特に、「四角い世界に山に囲まれし雪国の王国を築いてみた」が好きです。 I really like the Japanese Minecrafter “Amamiya-san” who makes the series called “Journey around the Square World.” Of course I like their buildings, but I also like the way they create and edit videos. I particularly like the “Making the Mountain-trapped Snow Kingdom in the Square World.”.

Cocricotを作った目的 What was the main concept behind creating cocricot? 西洋の街並みや、おしゃれな部屋などを、Minecraftで自分で作れたらいいなと思って制作しています。現実ではなかなか難しい事も、マイクラでなら好きなように作れます。 I really wanted to create things like a western style town and cute, fashionable rooms in Minecraft.

It's impossible to do in real life but can be done easily in Minecraft. Cocricotの制作にあたって難しかった事 Did you experience any difficulties making cocricot? リソースパックにするにはたくさんのテクスチャを書かねばならず、根気がいりました。リソースパックとしての統一感を出すために、一つのテクスチャを何度も微妙に修正したり、果てしないです。また、専用のサイトも作って大々的に運営したいと思っていましたので、HTML/CSSを学んだりサーバーを借りたりと、初めての事がたくさんでした。 Well, first of all, to make a texture pack you have to draw lots and lots of textures so I needed willpower to draw them all. Also, to get a feeling of togetherness and unity in a texture pack you need to edit textures over and over again until you get the balance just right. That was also very hard work. Finally, I wanted the cocricot project to reside on its on website so I had to learn how to program HTML and CSS for that.

Sweet And Soft Texture Pack

特に誇らしいところ What are you most proud of with cocricot? こだわりのテクスチャがたくさんなところ、そしてリソースパックとしての世界観です。リソースパック自体からサイト作りまでこだわって制作しています。 There's lots of textures that I'm really proud of but mostly, I'm really proud of the overall feel of the pack. I am also proud of how it all ties together with the website. Cocricotを使用している他のプロジェクトで想像しなかった使い方 Are there any projects that use cocricot in ways that you weren't expecting?

和風(日本風)の建築をする方がいたこと。 Yes, the Japanese-style projects お気に入りのcocricotを使った建物やプロジェクト What's your favourite project that uses cocricot? 一番のお気に入りは下記URLのものです。大好きです! cocricotの次のプロジェクト What do you plan on doing after the cocricot project? I want to keep working on cocricot and evolve it as much as possible. The current cocricot pack only works on 1.7.10, so I'm currently working on a pack that will work on the latest survival mode, and a cocricotMOD for 1.10.2. The cocricotMOD makes use of lots of extra blocks and items to make up for all the metadata that was removed from 1.8 onwards. I'm also working on some 3D blocks especially for this mod!

I look forward to showing them to you all! Have a look at Kixiko's website, which catalogues each and every item in the texture pack - it’s worth exploring!

Until someone finally bakes an electric cake that runs Minecraft, this news of the Candy Texture Pack hitting Pocket and Windows 10 Edition is going to be our tastiest announcement ever. Or at least since its arrival on Console Edition.

Galaxy Texture Pack

Wouldn't it be sweet if we could get through it without any tortured candy puns? Well, we tried.

Console players have been exclusively indulging on this colourful pack for a while now. Starting from today, players of portable versions of Minecraft can download a texture pack that pours a dentist-weepingly high amount of sugar into your game, replacing all the textures with sweet new treats. Jelly Creepers! Starlight Mint Skeletons! Velvet Cake Cows!

Entire floors made of cake! It's almost lunchtime! Writing about such delicious nonsense is making this candy-starved writer all kinds of hungry.

Nov 22, 2014 Ok folks after a research and trying to find the latest software through chrysler with no luck after typing in my VIN i found this great site if you. Jan 08, 2013 This are the newest Update for the 1. MyGIG Generation Units RER-REW-REP, this Update coms with the last 2013 Map-update. Updates and Upgrades for MyGig RER 730N and SOX MyGig Update Download site mygig@soxag. Mygig rer update download.

Don't lick the screenshot. Learn from my mistakes. Minecraft hasn't been this irresistibly delicious since we accidentally poured melted chocolate into our disc drive. Don't ask and enjoy the pack! Here’s the rest of the 1.0.3 changelog as an: New Features:.

Added Candy texture pack. Added Dutch localization Tweaks:. Fixed some spacing when truncating bolded text. Tweaked spawn point selection to be “smarter” (e.g. Tweaked the textures of flower/mushroom blocks. Assorted texture fixes. Bug Fixes:.

Soft Texture Synonym

Fixed a crash when a server/Realm would first start.